In a surprising turn of events, notorious bandit leader Bello Turji has reportedly released all individuals held captive by his group. The development comes amid heightened military operations aimed at capturing the fugitive and dismantling his network in Zamfara State and surrounding regions.
Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama that Turji’s decision to free the captives is linked to the intense pressure mounted by the Nigerian Armed Forces under Operation Hadarin Daji and Operation Forest Sanity. Recent airstrikes and ground offensives targeting his hideouts in Fakai, Shinkafi, and surrounding areas have significantly weakened his group, forcing them into retreat.
The release of the captives is being seen as a strategic move by Turji to avoid further escalation or a direct confrontation with security forces who have been closing in on him.
The troops have vowed to get him whether “Dead or Alive.Tap Here To Read Full Details