An x user goes by the name Citizen observer has written and opened letters to the Muslims in Yoruba Land in reaction to the conciliation of the rejected Sharia Law in the Southwest....TAP HERE TO READ FULL DETAILS.>>
He Wrote:
“Dear Yoruba Muslims, I have some advice for you and it will do you good if you can think and do something about it.”
(1) Break away from the Fulani-Sultan of Sokoto-led Islam in Nigeria. It happened in England when the Church of England broke away from Rome and the King of England became the Head of the Church of England instead of the Pope.
(2). Carefully study the Hausa people and tell yourselves the truth about the kind of future you want to have under the Sharia Fulani-led Islam.
(3) If you don’t do these things, these invaders from the Sahel will never stop pushing you around. They will come back even with a greater force.Tap Here To Read Full Details