Early morning urine is a very powerful spiritual cleanser. When used and add prayers it will really change your life. Early morning urine, we are referring to the very first urine your body excretes in the morning when you haven’t had any food or drinks.
This early morning urine can change your life. It can bring luck, break curses, destroy what the enemies have plants against you and also untie whatever was tied.
A lot of us are being fought spiritually, the enemies have made dolls from our images and stick needles on them, they blocked our minds, they took our items and and put them in buckets of mutis/charms and our pictures are on trees tied and stick needles on them.
A lot of things you can mention. Some of us do not have money to consult, but God already gave our ancestors/grandparents the tactics to fight back evil. One of them is Urine.
Your early morning urine can make you rich and protected if you know how to use it and also on the right time.
Urine can can be used to bath, drink and be applied.
Wash with early morning urine to cleanse yourself from evil forces. Add a few drops of urine in your bathing water and take your bath. And before taking a bath, rub the urine all over your body from head to toe. Early morning urine can cure pimples and acne, it makes your skin glow.
For those who are eating during sleep, that is a spiritual poison , try drinking some drops of your urine. Drinking your urine will help drive it out of your body.
A woman’s urine is more powerful. It is okay for a woman to use her urine to protect her family. Women are Gods, Women have power.
If you are a woman, and have a partner, pour your early morning urine at your front entrance door with your partner besides you and you can go back to sleep.
And if you are a single lady, pour in your entrance door, and leave your house, go to work or even go out for eye shopping anything just to pass time