Law of the circle; A circle has no beginning or end. Therefore, if you want your wealth never to finish, then you must circulate it. When money comes to you (and money will come to everybody at some point), invest it....TAP HERE TO READ FULL DETAILS.>>
When profit comes, spend some of it on your needs and reinvest the rest. If you obey this law of circulating money, you will never be broke or suffer lack.
A line from point A to Point B has a beginning and an end. Most people treat their money like a line instead of as a circle. So if you get your money from point A and immediately spend it at point B.
Your money will have a beginning and an end. A circle has no beginning or end. So, if you get your money and invest before spending, it will never end!
Look at the way God created creation. Everything you eat in nature is naturally regenerated. If you pluck an orange and eat it, you spit out the seeds, which sprout into new orange trees. Use money like that. Eat it, but spit out some to invest and yield more money!
Let us take a practical example. Suppose you asked your friend or relative for some money, and they gave you a thousand dollars. You are immediately faced with a choice. What should you do with it?
You can spend it on an iPhone. And if you do, then your money has gone linear. From point A (the giver of the $1000) to point B (the taker of the $1000).
Now, because you have not obeyed the law of the circle, that money has left your life, never to return to you again.
But suppose instead of taking that linear path, you rather divide the money into four. You invest $250 in Apple shares, and another $250 in the Gold ETF, and another $250 in a lending club, and the last $250 goes into cryptocurrency.
In doing that, you are obeying the divine law of Genesis 8:22, which Christ repeated and reinforced in Matthew 25:27. And by obeying the law of the circle, you are able to keep your money circulating in your life.
Always treat money like a hen. If you eat your hen, it is gone. But if you feed your hen until it lays eggs, it endures. Eat only as many eggs as you need. Then, let the remaining eggs hatch into chickens. You will then have multiple hens laying multiple eggs, and you will never be poor.
The above perfectly represents the law of the cycle in finances. And this is a law that Joseph implemented in Egypt.
During the years of plenty, Joseph stored up wealth in preparation for the years of famine.
Countries and individuals will always experience prosperity and famine. It is part of the circle of life. It is a necessary part of the maintenance of creation.
If you ask doctors, they will tell you that periodic or intermittent fasting is good for you. It helps regulate your weight and hormones and improves your all-around physical and mental health.
The cycle of prosperity and recession serves the same function on a much broader scale. It serves to regulate the Earth and its population so that the planet can continue to support the fauna and flora that the Creator designed it to support.
And the law of the circle prepares you for the cycles of prosperity and recession that are a natural part of life on planet Earth. Such that if you understand and utilise this law, the season of famine can be a season of great wealth transfer for you, as it was for Egypt under Joseph’s guidance.
Money does not go where there is need. Money goes where the conditions are ideal. When wealth finds itself in the hands of a man who understands it, it will remain there and begin to multiply. Do not focus on only what you like. Learn what money likes and do it.
If you think your need will attract wealth to you, your expectations will be shattered, and the shattering may damage your health. Wealth is not a respecter of need. Wealth is a respecter of principles. Understand the principles of wealth, and you will be a principal man.Tap Here To Read Full Details
Source: Reno Omokri