
Women Love Sex As Much As They Love Money. Men Love Peace As Much As They Love Sex. If You Want Your Relationship To Last, Read This..15 Tips

Women Love Sex As Much As They Love Money. Men Love Peace As Much As They Love Sex. If You Want Your Relationship To Last, Read This..15 Tips

According to a relationship expert and research done by LeadNaija, it was conclusively explained that 95% of women love sex as much as they love money. Men love peace as much as they love sex. If you want your relationship to last, read this.....TAP HERE TO READ FULL DETAILS.>>

1. Be single until you attract the right person who is ready to love you unconditionally.

2. Take yourself out on dates, buy gifts for yourself, take care of yourself, you don’t need to be in a relationship to enjoy your life.

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3. The worst thing in life is ending up with the wrong partner, not being alone. So choose who will complement your life.

4. Choose to marry a teammate, not a soulmate. Love is never enough for long-term and committed relationships.

5. Build a strong connection with your partner before you settle to marry.

6. Don’t date if your life is chaotic. First, build yourself physically, mentally, and financially.

7. Never marry your age mate. Find someone who has experienced much more in life than you do.

8. Learn how to deal with your emotions and heal your childhood traumas before making someone else’s life miserable.

9. Invest in a good wardrobe and always mind your appearance because you attract someone of your level.

10. Date and get heartbroken. You’ll learn how to deal with losses and identify the right people.Tap Here To Read 13- 15 Full Details

11. If you’re in your 20s, move out of your parent’s care. You’ll learn how to be independent and comfortable alone.

12. Self-love is the best relationship. Love and appreciate yourself because no one will love you like you do.

Written by Leadnaija

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